About Us

When a parent is diagnosed with a serious illness, the games stop. The childhood they once loved is marred by stress, anxiety, and bleak thoughts.

Enter Chai4ever - and a sense of normalcy returns.

Children reclaim the opportunity to be just that: children.

They get to feel the fun - just like everyone else (plus a bit more).

Chai4Ever steps in and changes the picture - financially, emotionally, and physically.

With the big things: Summer camp. Therapy. Chol Hamoed concerts. Exciting vacations. Big sisters and brothers. Medical equipment. Fully planned Simchas. And the little things: The ground floor hotel room. The love notes. The Chanukah gifts. The women who come to cook Mommy's own recipes. Even prewedding dance instruction.

But it's much more than even all that.
It's self-respect. Importance. Love.

And the tightest of hugs to vanquish the harshest of challenges.

As one patient put it, "Chai4Ever has not only mastered the art of giving; they've mastered the heart of giving."

And it's that heart that keeps families alive - in their darkest moments.

Cancer. Brain Tumors. Epilepsy. Lymphoma. Multiple Sclerosis. Such big words for small children to bear. What can we do to shrink the burden?

We recapture their childhood.
And put the games back.
© 2025 Chai4Ever